Say Hello to AlFasla

Say Hello to ElFasla
After the sweeping success of, the irreverent, witty and often controversial website is relaunched as, as the kooky team of content creators look to take over the region with their unique outlook. keeps its one-of- a-kind tone at the heart of its operations, looking at the issues, trends, people and places that make up the Middle Eastern zeitgeist with a fresh, young light, but amps things up beyond Cairo, Egypt, and out into the greater region which is lacking in edgy, engaging content. From socio-cultural issues that affect Middle Easterners across the board, to spotlight feature interviews on the movers and shakers in the region’s big cities, ElFasla covers arts, culture, entrepreneurship, celebrities, sports and society. With a full production house behind the editorial team, ElFasla sets out to entertain, inspire
and activate a region brimming with interesting stories with high quality content and an
inimitable perspective.